Bahasa Inggris 2

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Softskill Task II

1. My father Prefer to play paragliding instead of football.
2. Grandma Prefer drinking tea to eating meatball.
3. Her mother Prefer watching music performances to watching news.
4. My mother would Prefer speak Java instead to inggris.
5. I Prefer walk to run.

6. Mother like black Better Than blue
7. Grandpa like reading paper Better Than reading magazine.
8. Father always like golf Better Than boxing show.
9. My Brother like touring Better Than drive motor racing.
10. Father like Ferarri Better Than Harley davidson.

11. I Would Rather travelling than martial arts judo.
12. Mother Would Rather cooking than watch TV.
13. My Brother Would Rather play video game than go to the office.
14. Father Would Rather read newspaper than read magazine.
15. My sister Would Rather listen music than working.

Nama : Fuad Agustianto
Kelas : 1EA05
NPM : 12210892
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2

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